sentence | adverb | verb | gramm |
A la salida del trabajo, **ayer** las chicas **compraron** pan en la tienda.<br> *After leaving work* **yesterday** *the girls* **bought** *bread at the shop* | past | past | gramm |
A la salida del trabajo, **ayer** las chicas **\*comprarán** pan en la tienda.<br> *After leaving work* **yesterday** *the girls* **\*will buy** *bread at the shop* | past | future | ungramm |
A la salida del trabajo, **mañana** las chicas **comprarán** pan en la tienda.<br> *After leaving work* **tomorrow** *the girls* **will buy** *bread at the shop* | future | future | gramm |
A la salida del trabajo, **mañana** las chicas **\*compraron** pan en la tienda.<br> *After leaving work* **tomorrow** *the girls* **\*bought** *bread at the shop* | future | past | ungramm |
7 Report 1
Linear and logistic regression
The goal of this report is to review and consolidate what we learned together in the first block of the course. You are not required to do anything that we have not already seen.
For students enrolled in this course in the Winter Semester 2023/24: The report is due January 11, 2024 at 11:59pm, but I encourage you to submit before the holidays if you have the capacity to do so. Please submit your Quarto script, as well as a rendered copy (preferably HTML, but PDF is also fine) to Moodle (under ‘Reports’).
7.1 Dataset
For this report you will continue using the data from Biondo et al. (2022), an eye-tracking reading study on adverb-tense congruence effects on reading time measures. Participants’ eye movements were recorded as they read Spanish sentences where temporal adverbs and verb tense were either congruent or incongruent. For both sentence regions, the time reference was either past (e.g., yesterda, bought) or future (e.g., tomorrow, will buy). Example stimuli from this experiment are given in Table 14.1. You will be fitting models to different eye-tracking reading measures from this experiment, with the predictors verb tense and grammaticality.
7.2 Set-up
Make sure you begin with a clear working environment. To achieve this, you can go to Session > Restart R
. Your Environment should have no objects in it, and you should not have any packages loaded.
7.2.1 Packages
Load the packages below. Give a short description of why we load in each package, i.e., what these packages help us do (1-2 sentences each). Tip: remember you can type ?tidyverse
into the Console to get an overview of a package or function.
broom )
7.2.2 Data
Run the code below. Give a short description of what each line of code does (you can skip the locale
line). Tip: roi == 2
corresponds to the temporal adverb condiiton.
df_tense read_csv(here("data", "Biondo.Soilemezidi.Mancini_dataset_ET.csv"),
locale = locale(encoding = "Latin1") ## for special characters in Spanish
) clean_names() |>
mutate(gramm = ifelse(gramm == "0", "ungramm", "gramm")) |>
filter(roi == 2,
== "Deic") |>
adv_type mutate(length = nchar(label))
You can write your answer like this, for example:
df_tense <-
7.3 How to report your models
You will be running linear and logisitc regression models. Our variables of interest will be:
variable | description | type | class |
`fp` | first-pass reading time (summation of fixations from when a reader first fixates on a region to when they first leave that region) | dependent | continuous |
`tt` | total reading time (summation of all fixations within a region during a trial) | dependent | continuous |
`ri` | regressions in (whether there was at least one regression into a region) | dependent | binomial |
`ro` | regressions out (whether there was at least one regression out of a region) | dependent | binomial |
`verb_t` | verb tense: past or future | independent | categorical |
`gramm` | grammaticality: grammatical or ungrammatical | independent | categorical |
`length` | region length in letters | independent | continuous |
7.3.1 Example model report
Imagine we fit a linear model, called fit_verb_tt
, to log-tranformed total reading times at the verb region. Our fixed effects (i.e., predictors) are verb tense, grammaticality, and their interaction. Below I report the findings of the model, which is what you should aim to do with the models you run.
The model summary is given in ?tbl-fit_verb_tt, with back-transformed model predictions visualised in Figure 7.1. A main effect of grammaticality was found in total reading times at the verb region, with ungrammatical conditions eliciting longer total reading times than grammatical conditions (Est = -0.06, t = -2.4, p < 0.05). A main effect of tense was also found, with the future condition eliciting longer total reading times than the past condition (Est = 0.07, t = 2.48, p < .05). An interaction of tense and grammaticality was not significant (Est = 0.04, t = 1).
fit_verb_tt apa_print() |>
apa_table(label = "tbl-fit_verb_tt",
caption = "Model summary for (log-transformed) total reading times at the verb region.")
Predictor | \(b\) | 95% CI | \(t\) | \(\mathit{df}\) | \(p\) |
Intercept | 6.22 | [6.19, 6.26] | 332.72 | 3791 | < .001 |
Verb tPast | -0.06 | [-0.11, -0.01] | -2.38 | 3791 | .017 |
Grammungramm | 0.07 | [0.01, 0.12] | 2.47 | 3791 | .013 |
Verb tPast \(\times\) Grammungramm | 0.04 | [-0.04, 0.11] | 1.01 | 3791 | .312 |
plot_model(fit_verb_tt, type = "int") +
geom_line(position = position_dodge(0.1)) +
labs(title = "Predicted total reading times at the verb region",
x = "Verb tense",
y = "Reading time (ms)") +
7.4 Variable prep
We need to prepare our predictors: centering continuous variables and sum contrast coding categorical variables.
7.4.1 Centring continuous variables
Create a new variable length_c
which contains the centred values of length
(just centre, you don’t need to standardise). Centre using the median rather than the mean (hint: there is a function median()
7.4.2 Contrast coding
Set sum contrast coding for tense
and gramm
. You might need to first use the as.factor()
function to save the variables as factors. Your contrasts should look like this:
gramm -0.5
ungramm 0.5
Future 0.5
Past -0.5
7.5 Linear regression
We run linear regression when we have a continuous dependent variable. You will be fitting a. model to first-pass reading time.
7.5.1 Fitting our model
Fit a model of log-transformed first-pass reading times with verb tense, grammaticality, and their interaction as fixed effects (hint: you might want to use *
in your model).
7.5.2 Assessing assumptions
Visually assess the model assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity and write 1-2 sentences about each assumption, referring to the figures you produced.
7.5.3 Extracting predictions
Create objects
), andb2
) that contain the corresponding model coefficient estimate for each term (hint: each object should contain a single value, which corresponds to the estimate for this term in your model summary output).Generate the fitted values for each of our four conditions. We covered a number of ways to do this in class:
- Using our model formula (\(\ref{eq-fp}\)) and the sum contrast values for each level of
(i.e., +/-0.5, given in Table 7.2), compute the back-transformed predicted total reading time for each condition. Recall: \(b_0\) is our intercept, \(b_1\) is our slope forverb_t
(i.e., the value of the object you just namedverb_t
), and \(b_2\) is our slope (estimate) forgramm
(i.e., the value of the object you just namedgramm
). - The
package: we used theggeffect()
function, but theggpredict()
function back-transforms the estimates for us.
- Using our model formula (\(\ref{eq-fp}\)) and the sum contrast values for each level of
\[\begin{equation} fp = exp(b_0 + b_1*verb\_t + b_2*gramm) \label{eq-fp} \end{equation}\]
-0.5 | +0.5 | |
`verb_t` | past | future |
`gramm` | gramm | ungramm |
7.5.4 Report model
Write a short report of the model findings. Produce a table and plot like in the example above to supplement your report.
7.6 Logistic regression
We run logistic regression when we have a binimial dependent variable. You will be fitting a logistic regression model to regression in.
7.6.1 Fit model
Fit a generalied linear model (logistic regression) to the regression in data, with the same fixed effects as your linear model above (verb_t
, gramm
, and their interaction). Remember, you will need a different function (not lm
), and to add another argument (family = ...
7.6.2 Interpretation
Write a short report of the model findings. Produce a table and plot like in the example above to supplement yor report. Recall that our coefficient estimates are in log odds).