Resources and Set-up
This course is mainly based on Winter (2019), which is an excellent introduction into regression for linguists. For even more introductory tutorials, I recommend going through Winter (2013) and Winter (2014) For a more intermediate textbook, I’d recommend Sonderegger (2023).
If you’re interested in the foundational writings on the topic of (frequentist) linear mixed models in (psycho)linguistic research, I’d recommend reading Baayen (2008); Baayen et al. (2008);Barr et al. (2013); Bates et al. (2015); Jaeger (2008); Matuschek et al. (2017); Vasishth (2022); Vasishth & Nicenboim (2016).
Assumptions about you
For this course, I assume that you are familiar with more classical statistical tests, such as the t-test, Chi-square test, etc. I also assume you are familiar with measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) measures dispersion/spread (standard deviation), and with the concept of a normal distribution. Lacking this knowledge will not impeded your progress in the course, but is an important foundation on which we’ll be building. We can review these concepts in-class as needed.
R: a statistical programming language (the underlying language)
RStudio: an program that facilitates working with R; our preferred IDE integrated development environment
LaTeX: a typesetting system that generates documents in PDF format
why R?
- R and RStudio are open-source and free software
- they are widely used in science and business
Install R
- we need the free and open source statistical software R to analyze our data
- download and install R:
Install RStudio
- we need RStudio to work with R more easily
- Download and install RStudio:
- it can be helpful to keep English as language in RStudio
- we will find more helpful information if we search error messages in English on the internet
- If you have problems installing R or RStudio, check out this help page (in German):
Install LaTeX
- we will not work with LaTeX directly, but it is needed in the background
- Download and install LaTeX:
- many aspects of this course are inspired by (nordmann_applied_2022?) and (wickham_r_nodate?)
- both freely available online (in English)
- for German-language resources, visit the website of Methodengruppe Berlin
Troubleshooting (EN: Troubleshooting)
- Error messages are very common in programming, at all levels.
- How to find solutions for these error messages is an art in itself
- Google is your friend! If possible, google in English to get more information
Session Information
The current version of this Quarto book was developed using R version 4.4.0 (2024-04-24) (Puppy Cup) in RStudioversion 2023.3.0.386 (Cherry Blossom). At the bottom of each chapter is a list of the packages (and version info) used in that chapter (under Session Information). I highly recommend you do the same at the bottom of each script that you write. You can easily do this by writing the following at the bottom of any Rmarkdown (.Rmd
) or Quarto (.qmd
) script:
# Session Info