About me
I am currently a scientific staff member at the Institute of German Language and Linguistics at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. I recently completed my doctoral work in the Psycholinguistics group under the supervision of Prof. Pia Knoeferle, and was a doctoral fellow at the Einstein Center for Neurosciences at the Charité - Universitätsmediyin Berlin, and part of the doctoral program at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain.
After completing an Honours Specialist B.A. in Linguistics at the University of Toronto, I earned my TESOL certification and moved to Berlin to teach English at various companies and institutions, including the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. After some years I returned to academia by completing a joint Master’s of Science as part of the European Master’s in Clincal Linguistics (EMCL 2015-17 cohort) at the Univerisity of Eastern Finland, Univerisity of Potsdam (Germany), and Univerisity of Groningen (the Netherlands). I also hold a M.A. in Linguistics from the University of Eastern Finland, which was completed in tandem with my M.Sc.
Research interests
My current projects investigate the influence of high-level knowledge of the real world on the processing of language. I am specifically interested in how this knowledge interacts with temporal information, such as verb tense. I use eye-tracking during reading, self-paced reading, and electroencephalography (EEG) in order to investigate this interaction.
I am a co-founder and co-organiser of the Friday Primes, a monthly Berlin/Potsdam meet-up for PhDs and postdocs working on language processing.
psycholinguistics, language comprehension, eye-tracking during reading, self-paced reading, tense processing
About this website
This website was built with Quarto, and contains Quarto Books for courses I’ve taught/am teaching. The code used to produce this website is publicly available in a GitHub repo. I’ve also used the code-tools: true
option in Quarto to make the code for each page available as a pop-up. Just look for the </> Code
button at the top right of the page to see the relevant code in a pop-up.
Session Info
Below is the session info relevant for the rendering of this website.
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