What it is and how to do it
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Today we will learn…
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“Open science” is an umbrella term used to refer to the concepts of openness, transparency, rigor, reproducibility, replicability, and accumulation of knowledge, which are considered fundamental features of science”
— Crüwell et al. (2019), p.3
Image source: Kathawalla et al. (2021) (all rights reserved)
level: Easy
e.g., ReproducibiliTea Berlin
level: Easy
folder structure
contained environments
packagedata management
version control
level: Easy
manuscript version publicly available
allows for a wider audience
typically found on (psy)arXiv, OSF
level: Medium
with open source software (R, RStudio, packages)
literate programming
dynamic reports with Quarto/Rmarkdown
reproducibility goes hand-in-hand with project workflow and data management
level: Medium
publicly sharing your data
allows for reproduction of analyses
takes forethought and experience
documentation and naming conventions are important
level: Medium
transparency regarding
an experiment plan or lab notebook are key!
level: Medium
a timestamped and (often) public plan of:
clearly state intentions and predictions for confirmatory analyses
templates available on AsPredicted and the OSF
level: Difficult
submitting the introduction, methods, analysis plan to a journal before data collection
a more detailed pre-registration, often with fully written sections
much more time consuming before data collection can begin
Today we learned…